Editor’s Note: April, 2020

(Photo by Selma Komisky)

Editor’s Note: April, 2020

By Sarah Komisky

Words matter. Especially in this current season we’re living in. Because of this, I search my soul well because at times the best words are none.

Yet, in other times, as Proverbs 17:23 in the Message translation states, “…The right word at the right time-beautiful!” These words are, as Proverbs 16:24 in the New International Version says, like honey, sweet to our soul and healing to our bones.

In this unprecedented time, it has made me think. What words do I want to say?

I think the answer is that I want to speak life.

Looking back in our history in times of hardship, suffering, and uncertainty, there were those who chose to see the beauty.

On the Titanic, men played beautiful music. In hiding during the Nazi invasion, Anne Frank wrote beautiful diary entries. During the Vietnam War, hippies wore beautiful wild flower crowns as accessories.

Now, as we become the generation that will enter history books, I want to focus on how we can make history for the good. How can we bring beauty into this world when there is ash all around us?

This is our offering: art.

And our desire is not just to bring something generic, but choice words and photos through an issue that we pray is life-giving, hope-infused, and kingdom-focused.

We’re fixing our gaze on something bigger and greater. Believing good days are ahead and that beauty can be found in the ones we live––in the here and now.

With the Easter season fast approaching, we wanted to illustrate God’s Kingdom through our words and pictures. We’ll talk about current issues we are facing today and offer ways you can make your mark. Also, we’ll hear from Pastor Joey Buran, who will challenge us to create and enjoy the journey, with his new DJ Worship! We’ll also connect with Chris Brown of Elevation Worship, who will talk about the new album “Graves Into Gardens.” Both are interviews you don’t want to miss!

Neither is the art our teammates bring––from our tween section to Relationships and everything in between. We’re elevating hope and elevating the beauty seen in every day.

May this offering encourage you.

Comfort you.

Enlighten you.

Inspire you.

May you see the beauty around us.

May you encounter God. See His goodness. Discover the Kingdom.

Welcome to the Kingdom Issue.
