The Beauty of Honoring Women: Quotes

(Photo by Selma Komisky)

The Beauty of Honoring Women: Quotes

By Sarah Komisky

There is something absolutely meaningful about the words of a man who honors a woman. Somehow, their words are always deeply impactful, speaking to the core of who we are as females. Why? Because they mirror Christ. During my time at Marked Ministry, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to have conversations with some of these men. Whether musicians, pastors, authors, actors, producers, or speakers, each had one thing in common: a desire to honor women. Here is a collection of their thoughts for you. May it remind you that good men still exist and may it inspire you guys to be that type of man. Be blessed!

“Find someone who’s unselfish. To find someone whose kind is not easy to find. Someone who is kind and encouraging and compassionate and giving, not just to me, but to others in general. I think that’s a huge thing. The outer beauty, that’s the stuff that going to fade over time. Find someone whose kind and who’s your best friend and who first and foremost knows the Lord.”

– Chris August (Musician)

“For women, my hope is that they will say ‘Hey, my definition is not found in a man.’ It’s not found in my figure. It’s not found in my looks. It’s found in that fact that I am an image bearer of God and that I have strength and character in spite of extreme circumstances, in spite of what’s been done to me or said about me, that I’m not defined by that.”

– Joel Smallbone (For King and County)

“I’m called to lay down my life for her [his wife] and I got to do that like daily in the small ways. I have to cultivate a spiritual purity even when with what I look on the internet, just being real careful as a guy. With the young girls in ministry, I have to be super cautious, not being alone, not developing emotional attachments, all of that. We are living in a world that caters to making us self obsessed and caters to making us people who are slaves to our desires, and we need to learn to die to ourselves.”

– Seth Ready (Seth & Nirva)

“I think there are still good guys out there. I think it goes back to who you surround yourself with and if you’re hanging out with someone who isn’t truly perusing you in the first place, then don’t waste your time. And if they aren’t going to put the work in you like you deserve, then don’t waste your time. Ask the Lord to guide your steps and bring you the right person.”

– Chris August (Musician)

“I would tell anyone reading this that you are worth more than rubies. You’re valuable, and value doesn’t come from whose paying attention to you or who thinks you’re cute. Your value comes from God who made you and who loves you. And, before you were ever born, He’s been dreaming about you and the ways He wants to use you and you don’t ever have to earn his love, you just need to relax and settle into His love and appreciate it.

– Levi Lusko (Author and Pastor)

“The way that God has enabled Stephanie [wife] to love me has absolutely transformed me. Similarly, the suffering that we’ve been through together has had a greater impact on our lives than any other single event. One of the lyrics in a song we recently wrote is, “Through every trial we are grateful nothing is wasted, You use brokenness to make us whole.” With that attitude, there is hardly any marital, or even relational, struggle that cannot be seen as an opportunity to learn more about who you are, who God is and what He can teach you through the pain and struggle.”

– Chris (Out of the Dust)

“It’s surprised me, frankly [being away from home working on Priceless] to really continue to work as a man on protecting my eyes and my heart, in particularly being a public figure, from other women and saving that for my wife. And it’s challenged me too to understand that as men, we’re all beat but for grace and but for understanding in our God designed purpose. We’re all in this sinking ship of objectifying a woman or over-sexualizing a woman rather than embracing her for her character and strength and who she is under God.”

– Joel Smallbone (For King and Country)

“Marriage is incredible and should be viewed as God’s opportunity to use another human being to make you a complete person. I’m a different man because of my wife. To God be the glory!”

– Chet Lowe (Author and Pastor)

“In my past life I didn’t do it the right way. I actually would sleep with a girl and then decide if I liked her. Everything was going backwards and after living that lifestyle for twenty-three years, I decided to tell God that I was going to do it right, so I waited. Six year or seven years later I met Crystal [wife]. I didn’t want to jeopardize my relationship with God because I was taking Jesus very seriously and I believed Him so much that I believed He designed us for a person and He’s going to bring that person in His timing. The porn from my past life, all the girls I slept with, all the way I treated girls – I didn’t even know how to treat a girl! So, God was taking me on a journey to prepare me for her.”

– Ryan Ries (Speaker and Co-Founder of the Whosoevers)

“For a guy, I think for sure we have to step up and be that protector and take care and provide. I want to provide and take care of my family. I think at the same time, women need to learn how to receive that blessing because maybe they are independent or can provide for themselves and they feel weird, almost, receiving that.”

– Chris August (Musician)

“My message would be that you deserve a tremendous amount of gratitude for what you do on a daily basis and that you have an incredible amount of impact on those you come in contact with, both within and outside your circle. Your influence has a positive rippling effect far beyond what could be imagined. Thank you for that!”

– Scott Curlee (Producer)

“Don’t ever let any boy, don’t ever let anybody, set your value on yourself because your value comes from the fact that the most important person to ever live was willing to die to save you. And if you walk out of that love, you won’t be taken advantage of by anyone in this world and you can enjoy the process of you being prepared for the person that God has prepared for you. And, so when you’re doing His work and doing His will and walking in His love, there’s going to come a day where God brings to you that perfect person for you without you having to lower your standards to attract someone because the person that God has for you is going to be serving God and worshipping God and doing those same things and then you will just kind of notice each other doing that and then just keep doing that together.”

– Levi Lusko (Author and Pastor)

“Girls want affection and will sometimes compromise to gain affection. Guys are physical and will give affection to get further. Recognizing our gender weaknesses can become a prayer request for God to make us stronger.”

– Chet Lowe (Author and Pastor)

“My hope at the moment in the era where the more primitive side of a man, the hunter, the aggressor, the sensual, is really been glorified and this, which I believe is the truer definition of a Man with a capital M, is chivalrous, noble, committed, stands by a woman through thick and thin, that side of a man is really being quieted and is really discouraged, that there will be men that raise up and say you know what, no, I am of God and I am going to be the man that I am designed to be.”

– Joel Smallbone (For King and Country)